It is October in Rochester, and even though we may not like it, the weather will soon turn cold and we won’t see our lawns until next spring. Even though winter is almost here, there is plenty of work you can do to help your lawn look extra beautiful for the spring! Here are a few tips for how you can help your lawn during the winter.

Keep your yard clean

A good, thorough fall cleanup is critical to making your lawn look great for the spring. Leaving anything in your yard before snow falls will cause dead spots to form in your yard. Make sure to clear all yard waste from your lawn as well as move any lawn furniture or other objects left out in the lawn over the summer.

Aerate and Fertilize

One great way to get a jump on getting your lawn beautiful is to aerate and fertilize your lawn before the winter. First, you should aerate your lawn. By aerating your lawn, you will give your lawn a chance to breathe before it is covered with snow and will release any compaction built up over the summer. After you aerate your lawn, it’s time to fertilize! Fertilizing your lawn will help replenish the nutrients that your grass has lost over the long and hot summer months. Once the ground freezes, the fertilizer will be frozen with it and feed your grass all winter long! While you can aerate and fertilize your lawn by yourself, we reccomend that you get help from a professional. To request an estimate from Ted Collins, give us a call at (585) 381-9000 or visit us at


It is best to keep your lawn as short as possible during the winter months. If your lawn is left tall, it will attract mice and other rodents trying to find food and a comfortable place to eat. These animals can destroy your yard, creating nests of dead grass and making brown dead spots in your lawn. Over the last few weeks of the summer going into fall, start to cut your lawn increasingly lower and lower to avoid shocking your grass. Before the winter, make sure to give your lawn once last short cut.